Barry’s main goal in servicing clients it to help business owners achieve their goals. Barry began his career in a CPA profession working on both large and family-owned businesses. Eventually, he became very proficient in helping owners manage their business and in some cases helped them turnaround the business by improving growth and profitability strategies. This work eventually led into Mergers and Acquisitions, where he has participated in excess of 150 transactions over his career. He has been called into situations by banks in order to analyze customer situations and improve a company’s performance. He has also received referrals from banks, attorneys, and previous clients to advise people through transitions, both in exits and profit improvement.
Barry is an accomplished business advisor with recognized expertise in Mergers & Acquisitions and Turnaround Consulting. He has received awards in both disciplines over his career of 45 years. He has held a number of credentials including CPA/ABV, CVA, CM&AA, and CGMA. He is a retired CPA.