Information Technology
Aligning IT with Business Objectives / IT Assessment
CIO Services
Disaster Recovery
IT Strategy
IT like a Business
Aligning IT with Business Objectives / IT Assessment
Does IT help your business meet corporate goals or do they head in a different direction? How well does IT understand your business objectives?
Why should IT be aligned with your business?
- All modern businesses need to be capable of using technology
- IT unaligned with your business costs time and opportunities
- IT should help all areas of business meet goals and objectives, providing the services and solutions organizations need to thrive
How does EOD help?
- We review your corporate and IT goals and assess whether they are aligned or misaligned
- We review IT staffing, goals, and objectives to identify how to improve alignment
- We coach IT leaders to help them interact with your business in ways appropriate to the business – not IT
CIO Services
Is your business ready for a CIO? As businesses grow, they need a CIO to help set the strategy and direction for technology.
Why do you need a CIO?
- Technology needs to be a strategic asset to business growth
- Risk of increasing technology failure
- A common security approach across all the applications in-house and SaaS is required
- Your staff has grown to typically 250 people or more
How can EOD help?
- We provide interim CIO services to bridge the gap between permanent CIOs
- We analyze your current technology needs to determine if you are ready for a CIO
- We develop a role description for the CIO and staff
Disaster Recovery
Could your business survive a business interruption? Businesses often fail to continue or thrive due to a lack of a comprehensive business continuity/disaster recovery plan. The impact on the business from man-made and natural disasters can be staggering.
Why do you need a DR plan?
Machines fail: Computers are not made to last forever. They will fail eventually and usually at the most inopportune times.
Humans fail: An employee trying to do the right thing can create a disaster by missing a step or hurrying.
High expectations: Customers and executives expect near perfection from IT. Any amount of downtime has an impact on the business. Your business may not be as impacted as others, but outages all have a cost.
Nature is unpredictable: All areas of our country have natural disasters that cause interruptions, and you cannot control the weather.
How can EOD help?
We work with you to assess your current plan and determine if it is appropriate for your organization.
We help you develop a comprehensive and appropriate plan.
We work with IT and the business to set the right response levels for different scenarios.
We teach you how to keep the plan up-to-date and tested so the plan is valid when you need it.
IT Strategy
When was the last time IT developed a strategic plan? If it is more than 18 months ago, it is likely out of date. The pace of technological change requires IT strategies to be updated regularly. The days of a 5 to
Why do you need an IT strategic plan?
- IT needs a vision of the future for the department and the business to ensure their goals and projects provide value to the business
- Goals provide direction for IT staff
- Plans provide
opportunity for alignment between your business and IT
How does EOD help?
- We provide feedback on your current strategic plan and results
- We review your corporate goals and work with IT to develop a strategic plan that meets those goals
- We help develop metrics and project plans to meet the strategic plan
- We provide ongoing review and coaching to help you meet your plan
IT like a Business
Does IT seem like a black box where you spend money without quantifiable results? Do you have trouble understanding the language IT speaks to you? If so, you need to run IT like a business.
What does running IT like a business actually mean?
All areas of business have their own special language, but a business should share a common language. All areas of business need to work in alignment with corporate goals. For IT, that means providing support, tools, and solutions to help all areas of the business. It also requires accountability to the business.
How is running IT like a business different?
- IT is held accountable to goals and objectives
- IT metrics are business-focused, not technology focused
- IT projects are co-sponsored by the business
How can EOD help?
- We establish appropriate metrics for you and the IT team
- We establish goals that are aligned with the business goals
- We establish business appropriate metrics
- We coach IT leaders to work with the business
For more information, contact:
David Berndt at (314) 805-5554 and